"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your work are wonderful, I know that full well. Mt frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth..."
Psalm 139: 14-15
Hermie was an ordinary caterpillar which besides eating leaves and growing fatter day by day, is a creature who want to be extrodinary. He trys all means and every way to geth himself notice and out of the crowds... but everything he trys that.. avail...
Out of desparation.. he climb up a flower and speak to God. "Why you made me like that? I'm just.. normal." But God patiently replied "Hermie. I love you. And I'm not finish with you yet."
Soon after a few tries, hermie fell into a deep sleep.
Upon waking up, Hermie found himself inside a cocoon. Dark and errie. But he didn't know that throughout that time, God used the opportunity to change him. Into a butterfly with spledid colors that soar high up into the wind current, gliding in the wind and flying from places to places. Hermie had always wanted to be a butterfly and finally his wish came true!
You see... Sometime we will be blinded by the fact that others are always better looking... stronger... clever... but we neglect the fact that we are who we are. The one and only in this whole wide world! I mean... In this world you will never find another "you"... Not even in heaven. God uses the finest material.. the most gentle strength.. the highest concentration and greatest love to put us together. Do you know that God have us in mind even before He have plans for Earth?
I have to admit that I am totally "Hermie". I pray the same walk, grumble the very same way, fighting for attention the very same way and speak the very same way. But God, in His very nature keep saying "I'm not done with you yet." to me but somehow it just flys by. I'm glad that sister Irene brought that video and watching how we play our role as a 3rd person prospect. Hey look! We have a good future ya? And that we know it as God promise us of enternal life.. rich inheritence.. and lastly.. His heart, which is priceless and far more better than everything compiling everything of this world together! Yeap yeap.. my prospect changed again. And thank God for giving irene that idea of showing us the video.
Though a tough journey... but.. what can I say? I will only know when i truly reniuon with Him one day my passport expire in this world. ;)