This was one of my work back @ the office during those sian days. Nothing very special.. no effects like shading.. color variations and stuff like that.. so... yea lo.
But back then was pretty much missing the CM that I had back in May - June and was sort of "emo-ing" a little on that.. So I drew a "CM 2007" logo. Then.. Thought of God; 3 person as one.. so drew basically "God", "Jesus" and "Holy Spirit" in a connective initiation. Nothing special behind it.. haha.
WELL!!! Since that I'm back from mission... I always had alot of trouble trying to write out what I want to say and what I want to share because I find that it is SO HARD! To really find the right word to express and the right tone to set. In a video form.. It will then cause like tons of hours editing and super super tiring if it was to be produce in a way where viewer and writer were concerned.
Well... However I thought if I am able to really "fix" my brain into you guys and allow you guys to experience what I had.. It would be nice! But not much of that technology right now .
Right! Feeling all weird right now as I really couldn't be quite used to being waking up on a day focusing on only 2 things.. The day's activity and my team of people. Right now back in Singapore... Just felt that my "focus" is no longer just limited to only 2 simplified element but more~ The sad thing is that we still have to face with the reality that we are back to our comfort zone and very much in the process of eroding away from the focus point of being on a mission.
Oh well... Let's just press on harder and hope that every little friendship that sparks off from the mission will be follow up and maintain.
More to come...