Hooray!**3 cheers**Hooray!
It's have been like almost a week since POP and the routine seems very much the same. Just that I get to go home everyday! Yea for that! Yeap! 8- 5 daily!!! Don't know if I'm considered lucky, oh well.
Oh! And you guys must be wondering what vocation I'm in right?! The word is "Provost".
Check out the dictionary if you're not sure whats that. (http://www.dictionary.com/)
It's very much like what some... OK! Many! known as "RP" or the more familiar "MP". NOT "Republic Poly" or "Member of parliment"... But it's Regimental/ Military Police.
Now that didn't really suit my kind of vocation... Big time serious! Imagine me sitting down infront of a desk with stack of papers infront and a logbook.
. . . . . . . . .
Moreover talking about opening and closing gate!!! I'm a workaholic man! REALLY! I want to hold a gun! Shoot some bullets! Run in a jungle/ forest! Sit in between bushes! Crawling around or running around aimlessly! (Ok... Now I make myself sound like some cave man). I mean... NS is once in a life time man!
But! Of course! On the bright side~
There's this saying in my head goes:
"Hey! You're selected for a job that requires higly disciplined person know?! (Imagine it in malay accent)
SO! Your discipline level is much more higly then other people know?!"
Appreciated! Ya.. Guess One have to make do with positive thinking and believe that by obedience and faith that God might make out something nicer then you expect.... Though I still complaint not getting my ass to medic course...
My hands are like totally swelling after the last 2 days with the "Control & Restraint" lesson taught. PAIN SIA!!! And I'm no matial-art-y farty man!
Of course it's not those kinda you see in Ong-bak with kicks flying around like flys around food, or like Jackie Chan's flashy and polished moves~
It's pretty much... Dull.
Not that really into self-defence technique also but to use it on detainees/ prisoner that are violent and to minimize the risk of injury on them.
Now now.. A little quiz.
"Suppose the van has 2 superiors(Officer and Warrant Officer), 1 detainee, 1 driver and 2 escort including you. And this van flip upright in an accident and was on fire, and you could only save one. Who to save?
If your answer is "superiors"... WRONG!
Hmm... say yourself! SELFISH! (ok.. not in that heroic sense)
The detainee man! His life is more important then anyone in the van.
Conclusion? I call it "suicide". Like what some said to be "Evil lives longer than Good". "Someone" called it "Injustice" while another called it "Racist".
Racist? I scratch my head on that also...
And OH! By the way... Just one little thing to share. There's this very MULTI-BILIGUAL person I know of in camp was having a conversation.(To Sholihin: NO! It's not that person in our bunk you're thinking of ^^) And his command of English is superedly beyond me or anyone. And the most irritating thing was.. He LOVES to speak with a American accent.
And in this conversation, we were chatting bout some random background stuff and the particular words are...
(Try imagine it in american slag)
"can't you.. blah blah blah... can't you...blish blish blish... can't you..."
"Can??? Can't??? Can?? Can't??"
"Can??? Can't??? Can?? Can't??"
I got so irritated... I said: "In coke or sprite??!!"