The picture that was posted yesterday? They was one of the design module I had in Poly days. It's a character in Naruto and I sort of made it a Q version. Got a B for that :(
Had a really fun time swimming laps and getting myself tanned (besides I must say this.. I felt intrigue with WHITE men with short briefs lying either side of me.)Pretty good timing I must say; well, I recorded my timing based on the wall clock anyway, and it was about 10 min for 10 laps. "Pretty impressive" to myself. And a side note is that I had NEVER swam freestyle till I'm 18.
I still remember the day when I first started out strict-freestyle-diet, I literally blew off both arms and was close enough to tear/ pull ligaments on many occasions. Well.. I survived :)
Great noon with self and once again (seemingly I really do advocate 'singleness' quite a numerous time if you really trace back) was really refreshing! Sometime I really like to soak myself up into the warm noon sipping a nice lukewarm cup of tea looking at people passing by, depicting the colors of life. Or maybe be under some shady tree or void deck 'lapak-ing' time and look at how foolish young people can be (that kinda reminds myself of how I spent my childhood knowing my boundaries. (For instance, NEVER try to lift any part of a stray stationary cat. They'll scratch.)
Did some walking down to 925 and did exactly what I was saying earlier on. Borrowed a book from library and paid a fine (How the hell did I ever incurred any fine?!)
Oh well.
Was browsing the web and saw this very cool institution. Basically a tertiary, providing higher learning such as route to getting a degree.
The best part? School fee costs mere S$9,000. (Cheap!)
The awesome-mest?! It's purely for polytechnic graduate.
But the downside is that it only offer limited course from various oversea Uni that stretches from USA to The United Kingdom.
I sort of look through the list they're offering and none of them actually applied to me. But the course on games design sound rather interesting. And the first impression I have was.. LEONG!
But then... No course for me still.
SIM... Here I come!