Having the first study break doesn't give anyone else any break.
Gosh! I can't literally study all day long and then.. loft, study, rot, study... sleep.
This is not a healthy system.
Random: Lindsay Lohan misses her family.
Even that, doesn't seems to help keep anything away.
Last night, I was just casually telling how it will be like to have a little tank with night lights and neon around it.
SHE said : "Its mind blobbing!"
"YAY! It blows your mind!"
"I'm talking about a tank full of fish and decor my dear."
Where brain can leads you to? Haha!
Speaking of brain, I woke myself up punching the bed.
I can't imagine how much action I could get any other time when I was asleep?
HAHA! Maybe, I terrorizes the street like "kickass" does or roll in like dudes in "hangover". Pretty nice!
When Life is not all that rosy, jump on the bandwagon!
Let the bandwagon... jump you. (Sounds incredibly wrong.)
Thats a good 30 ft. btw.