I saw alot of other info-comm gadgets today (yesterday.. too) and I was so like thinking "wouldn't it be nice... ... nice... ..." (yada yada) and I realized that I didn't think about your feelings at all while you were waiting for me @ home 24/7, rain or shine, on the desk or under the cabinet away from everything, full shutdown or sleeping.
I would have love to have you in a larger dose, for say, iMac size with full functionality. But I was horrible to think that I traded that "portability" of your's with something as big as a cinema screen. (ok, maybe not.)
I did saw many of your sisters and brothers being carried around and for an instant, I couldn't stop thinking of that day when I luge you home, stealing a little happy glance around your packaging, whispering how fortunate I am and smiling like a baby. The moment I boot you up was euphoric-al. But soon enough I realized I also did stop taking very good care of you. For example, wiping you all over for no empirical reason. However, while looking at the other people carrying your "siblings", I secretly think to myself how foolish these people could get, fancy getting a backdated computer in a large fair like this. Tsk, especially at a cut-throat price.
I conceded I stole a few gloating glance at how the Windows counterparts had evolved to such elegant design and structure. Even the netbooks. I'm truly sorry! I didn't meant to look at other girls.. **gurp** boys too.
But I still love you alot! Cause no matter what, you always wake up at a split second of 2 when ever you feel me lifting you up and guess what?
Those fools didn't know that the latest CPU is not Intel Core 2 Duo, but Intel i7 (which powers that brain of yours by the way.) And neither they knew that you did have a multitasking ability of 8GB and could remember 800GB worth of information (junk/ essential) I fed you with.
Not to mention you are a little loud-mouthed with 2 lips by the side of the keys and a crystal clear eyes of yours with Intel HD and NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M. (Which you truly blows my mind by switching that wonderful tone from your eyes.)
However, you've been such a naughty one. You always dry up fast. Just when I always get a hang of you and when pure adrenaline starting to fuel all over me.
Remember this, good guy/girl finish last. Don't disappoint me ok?
But you're a one smart one after all. Not to mention you're DARN hot, especially when I got you a little edgy. So naughty.
I still love you alot. :)
Your truly,
Simon Lin.