WohOoO! Nice picture right? "Rev Simon"... So nice. Haha.
Well... Apprently that today is the first day of MAY! MAYDAY!!! These few days, I've been trying to really figure out what to really do and that it is seriously so so so busy. Why?
1. I'm helping out on of the younger one to raise up as a better leader (I'm not that great though) and that him, estella (churchmate) and myself is trying to host a mini event for our youth this coming June holiday after my church mission trip.
2. Helping TP with some recruitment stuff... Like video (I think I didn't do a good job on that), survey and also these welcome tea! Althought I am on officially into that group of hyper-fun people, I do enjoy myself just sitting there and just marvel @ how much these people love God. Great!
3. Running around with some of the people from my church trying to train myself up for the upcoming national liability. Here's a little result from my previous NAPFA test.
Sit-up : 49 (5)
Board-jump :236 (4)
Pull Up :7 (3)
Sit&reach :40 (3)
Shuttle Run :9.7 (5)
2.4Km :12:17 (2)
The number in the bracket is the score for that category where 5 is the best and 1 is the worse. Although I manage to clinch the sliver award, I still that that I'm detoriating during the 4 months when I'm rushing my FYP (Final Year Project). I have total confident in items such as standing board jump, shuttle run, sit-up... But 2.4 KM and pull-up is the 2 killer as I always couldn't manage to do them well. And that if I fail these 2 test item, my placing the in the unit will seriously be compromise. you know.. very much like if you score the lowest for all subjects in a all elite class, thats the stress!
Upon getting the news that I'm being posted to the SCDF, I felt that I am rather special, not special in a good sense... But somehow I felt that it is way bad in a sense. Oh well... In SCDF, I was told that there is 2 vocation to fight for depending on your fitness and also your ability to lead.
One of which is the para-medic and another is fire-fighting.
One of which is the para-medic and another is fire-fighting.
I do hope that the training I'm doing will really get me into the fire-fighting squard. It requires alot of physical as you have to climb stair with a 5Kg metal oxygen cylinder, 10Kg odd fire host and equippment including dressing that could weight up to another stack of 5Kg. And who knows that you will require to carry people on you shoulder that could weight about 50Kg. In total... I think it's pretty logical that a fireman need to carry a cool weight load of more than 100Kg!!!!
So you can understand why I was told that fire-fighting is a very prestige post to be in and it is very fulfilling. Imagine this... There is a fire and it is burning high up in the night. Visibility will be greatly compromise due to the thick black smoke... You as a fire fighter reach the scene under 3 minutes and load yourself up the ladder for savivour. Than... You pull off the fire with great deal of weight.. pressure and heat under the eye of the civilian... that moment... you are the "hope" in their eyes... Their only sole dependant during that crisis.
So you can understand why I was told that fire-fighting is a very prestige post to be in and it is very fulfilling. Imagine this... There is a fire and it is burning high up in the night. Visibility will be greatly compromise due to the thick black smoke... You as a fire fighter reach the scene under 3 minutes and load yourself up the ladder for savivour. Than... You pull off the fire with great deal of weight.. pressure and heat under the eye of the civilian... that moment... you are the "hope" in their eyes... Their only sole dependant during that crisis.
So... I'm very determined to get into the fire-fighting course and be train to be a fire fighter! Yes!