Karen Community (Thailand)
13th June 2007 to 19th June 2007
Hey hey! I will be away from 13th to 19th for a church mission to Thailand; Karen Community. Generally what was going to happen there is that we will be teaching the people a series we called it "Run through the bible". Basically we will have hand signs accompanied with some games to stir up the crowd a little and to allow them to memorize the bible using hand signs that highlights the essential points of the bible. This time round we are focusing on the old testament. Of course.. Some games in between the resting hours and also some sing-along-session with the community there. And the highlight of the whole trip.. The Father's Heart Rally where we will have people sharing testimony and also a series of sharing on Our Lord Father in Heaven.
The first 12 hours will be spend on travelling (Gosh!). But the experience after the travelling... MARVELLOUS! SUPERED! NICE! Well..
"I will not sacrifice to the Lord my burnt offerings that cost me nothing."
You people!! YES YOU!! You can be part of the team also! YES! By praying for us! We do need alot of em as the place we are going is known to have heavy open-fire in times as it is @ the borders. We do need you to be part of the team :)
People/ Place (Isaiah 54:1 -3)
1. God to soften the ground
2. God's love will be display to them
3. Their heart's desire will be open
4. Shaman/ witch doctor and any form of pratice to be demolish
5. God's comforting power to them
6. Broken in heart, Healed in Christ
7. Spiritual Stronghold to fall
Team (Josh 1:9 :: Thank to Irene!! )
1. Pray for God's peace and protection in and out of transitions
2. God's anointing on the leaders that are leading us there
3. The santification of the ground as the place have alot of "spirit" ;)
4. Protections on the food we eat, environment and also the spiritual health
5. Min or no friction cause between members/ settle peacfully
6. Support for each other
7. Courage to resist against the devil
Personal (1 Cor 11:1)
1. My family member's health and safety as I'm away
2. Able to rest assure I will be in good Hands of Daddy God!
3. Spiritual walk
4. Sufficient discipline on spiritual feeding and breathing
5. My sharing to the community
6. Holy Spirit to lead me; not of me but of God
7. Everyone I came across will be touched by God
My pastor was sharing from previous mission trip that they were practically very disturb @ one point of their journey as the spiritual warfare is very intense.
Your every prayer is an intercession for us.. Appreciate :)
The flight will be on Wednesday 0835 Hours @ Terminal 1 (Ref 3K511)
See you guys soon!!!! :) :0 :) :0 :) :0 :) :0