Was actually didn't meant to even on my computer but the bugging feeling to check my emails for response form NTU and MOE is getting the whole lot of me that I have to compromise a little of my time for this. And as you know... one little thing leads to another and it all boils down to constuction this silly post now; which I have ZERO idea what to get around with it.
Been chasing my nose for the past 3 days and I reckon I could try out a marathon any sooner since a part of my body (the nose factually) was running consistently for such number of days. Oh well... have not yet had any days that I could rest properly since and to think that I just ended my week of duties and here am I burning into the night.
Applied for NTU's Sociology and Education's program and was in the midst of submitting relevant documents and making payments. I must say that it is superbly tiring with the extra "baggauge" of NS duties.
Was reading entries from fellow-mate's blog and found out that... "Simon does have a very superficial blog." Truth enough... It does not looks or even sound appealing to another one. (At this moment I'm NOT growing exceeding emo of course)
like... "HEY"! i need to start with something.. Like.. seriously!
Looking @ such blogs of certain one, so clever, topped with extra dose of vocabularly that sweep you off your feet and hints of attractiveness that grip it's reader.
Certain have entries that brings flavour and authentic sincere write-ups.
I guess I just have to think about it more and figure out what direction I'm heading.
Guess black-humour or plain emo should do the trick....