- This could be the state of my mind
- This could be my room
Best of all...
- This is who I am :P
yada yada yada. And it begins today! I've got to ride on the FREEDOM wave! And I've not felt that much of freedom and "holiday"-ing for the past year since I enlisted for NS. It's sure nostalgia. Speaking of which, I personally withness the swear-in of a new batch of enlistees just yesterday while in BRTC and... "WOW" what a sight.
Whole 1,000 of 'em or so.. Which somehow brings about an echo in me saying "ORD LO!!!!"
And yes... it's just on that frightful 9th October 2007. With no one enlisting the same way as i do.. In BRTC.. Under going BRTW and not BMTC and it's counterpart.
Not even the slightest possibility having someone telling me all about SCDF. I was scare.. Very scare. Not for the sake of NS but on this "wilderness" (I called it) God had called me upon.
On the bright side! "Aiya! 8 more months only.. and I've got what I wanted so badly!!" **Brim**
Nor green or blue do we're ought to called
Nor stronger or weak are we deemed
Nor long or short does it even matter
It's how you serve that brings a matter
- Foxin
Nor stronger or weak are we deemed
Nor long or short does it even matter
It's how you serve that brings a matter
- Foxin