A realistic count. 278th posts presently so far!
Blog started? Way some years ago! Splendid!
Think typing www.blogger.com sometimes can be such pain. Given the fact how much I detest updating this pathetic blog of mine with entries that could possibly took me half the amount of time used in MSN conversations.
But anyway here's an update already. so STOP ranting! You ppl who kept musing here and there for updates! Haha. (Not trying to drive anyone away though!!)
Now now... '08 been a pleasant surprise given the statistic.
- Great prospect in NS; SCDF. Allowed me to "govern" certain sectors (really need that given my AD/ADHD genetic infused)
- 1st Tier leadership role in Xxon youth
- Was informed I could finally play for service!!!
- Praiseland ministry; bringing that kid out of me. (Alot of ppl mentioned I behave more like a "father" than a "brother")
- Catching up with age! Of course! Why not?
- Safe and sound all day long
- NDP '08 participant for marching
Generally Chinese has a "12 days" cooldown period for any major event/ festivals. So I'm not a tact late ok?
'09? Should be much better since it's the year of redemption for me anyhow. (ORD LO!) and counting down never felt so good before!
Having part with my beloved pink IC for that long (And it was just a week old when I surrendered it) apart from the time I once lose it.
Great thing should be in expectant I believe. The future? I'm nearing the quarter of a century in age, what's more expectant than that? Ha!