On that date of 1st Feb 2007, I went through that presentation that is stressful... taxing.. toturing... The anticipation of it is really great as I look forward to it day by day, wishing upon it to draw near as a "thorn" awaiting to be remove.
That day, the commotion ends @ 11am when all of my team mate slowly move up to E1 block 5th meeting room, where the presentation gonna be. Having 2 accessors, Christopher tan and Mr ngiam; whom I get to hear from my friends that both of them were someone tough to handle.
We started off the presentation with a question fired at us. "Where is your UCD?" Which is a diagram in the report that suppose to indicate something about the system in a single overview. We were stunned that moment and didn't know what to say.
The presentation continue with our presentation of our report, power point slides to act as an entry and bridging than to the long awaited wedsite we came up with. Everything went smooth until the "buy & sell" function by 2 of my other teammates.
Mt ngiam started question part of the coding extension and demand an answer for some of the usability and function of it. To his surprise, 2 of my teammate explain it way of track from what it suppose to mean. In simple terms, they are "smoking" their way through.
Having to have experience as a facilitator for many classes and years, his smoke detector went off and off came a very angry reply...
"I was asking you, what is that $_post used for?" said Mr ngiam
"One of the function to call anotehr one" said one of them.
"No! I said, what that does exactly?"
Than a conclusion arrived, "Obviously this is not your work!"
"No sir, It's our word I swear"
"Come on! Don't think I'm still a 3 years old kid and try to smoke me on that"
"but sir.."
"enough! Forget it! You 2 (Which is the other teammate and myself), carry on your presentation of the web."
That wasn't so dramatic as when Mr ngiam and Mr Tan continue to grill them before asking us to continue with the web. From there, both facilitator keep pin pointing both of my other teammate and putting conclusion like "this is not your work", "you obviously didn't know your work" and finding all reason to reflute them of ownership for the codings.
Overall.. Everything ends off with "Who is the most present for meetings?"
And that really challenge me about "speaking the truth" as I did shared about some controvesy of speaking in truth vs. intensity of seeing them fail the project. I don't know man! Seems one thing I know is that my grade will be heavily penalize for lack of teamwork.