It's been a long time since I last wrote in an entry... And I bet many of you people out there thought that this blog is dead right? Haha. Anyway... These past 12 days have really been exilerating.. fun.. tough yet rewarding and ultimatly.. I do miss my mission team mates. They are seriously good people to be with and i will never forget these people whom will be my memories of my last mission as a student in '07.
Sounds kind of emotional right? Not really! ;)
Now that the mission had pass and I have to move on to the next stage of my life.. I do wish that these people will continue the crusade legecy and continue to shine for out Lord Jesus Christ.
On the next matter... I only manage to follow-up with 2 of the students from CSCC and that is seriously one bad news to handle with! Why? Because I wrote a target of 10 or more and this is what I get??!!! AhrRrR! But thanks be to God that they are just a few stop away traveling on the train and that is not something tough to do with. I might just be afraid that I will mess up their timtable in the centre and be that "extra" over there.
Well... if I am to conpared to those kids that I took care of in my previous mission, those kids are not that fortunate as those I have seen days ago.
In terms physically there for them (because they live pratically in philipines)... they have no parents... they have no proper school... But one thing i admire the most and that lacks in Singapore city kids... that inward love towards others. Althought there have been a barrier in language, but these strongs kids held on so much to friendship and love towards other, not that the city kids have non... But just that you felt so much warm within them when you tried to use hands and feets to communicate with them! Yak-herh!
Oh well... I do miss my team-mates though! 12 days is not short.. and of all it's not long either. But to think that i have so much affections for them with just merely 2 weeks, what's more can a month do man! Whahaha.... Well... I must say that God have bless me with a good mx of team-mate which compliments each othwe well... From the slightest details to daily encouragment to food.. to programs and to people who work all these out. Not easy man!
Not that God have blessed me with 3 great missions... I must really bid good bye for now to student life and seriously sit down to think over what to do next...
Maybe being a full-time staff in NP?! AhRrr! Foxin must focus!