Did spend the whole day @ home watching show from youtube.com and also chatting online to kill s ome time. I thought I wanted to catch on some series that I have missed out on and those titles includes "Triumph in the skies" and "花樣少年少女 - Hanazakarino Kimitachihe ". So much show but so little time to watch! And soon enough... the sky turns dark without me knowing night falls again. So fast! And I just manage to catch only like 9 episodes from the "triumph in the skies" series. Man! Well... Did some simple cooking for breakfast and dinner and I found out that....
Hey! I cooks! And it taste ok man... besides being edible but should say tasty too! Wow... God uses this opportunity to allow myself to see someone in me that I have yet to realise for the past decades. Not bad not bad...
Yea! Went out with one of my buddy to school to settle some graduations procedure and paper-works. Still lingering on the fact that I've transisted from "student" to "un-employed", still couldn't really get use to days not being numbered and not being labelled as "monday" and so... Care-free and easy, but soon enough I will be caught to be more responsible and even contributing to the expense of my family... Who knows. Ya! Collected the gowns and invitation cards... They're so cool and... nice! I can't believe that I could get to wear a gradation gown again! I last wore that when I graduation from PAP kindergarden... And the best thing is.. I don't get to own the gown during the kindergarden days.. but I did now! Here are some shots...

Invitation letter
Met out with jacob (staff with RP) and had a real cool chat! And that he challenge me to sign up for university... And it reminds me of a promise and wish made to 2 of my teachers in my primary school days.. Miss Siti and Mrs Teo. And my teacher will always come to me and say stuff like "Good! I'll see you in university next time" and smile. But... University doesn't seems to such an easy words to bear anymore... It's more complex from "I want to go!" but it's about.. am I up to it. Apart from the fact that I hate to ever go for a lecture or even pick up a book to study draws me furtehr away from the mark of motivation for further studies. Unbearable and contridicting as it can be, I enjoyed being a student but I just don't like the norms that comes with it. So hard but so urgent for an answer. Well... I could only leave by saying "Good bye" to studies and "Hello" to adulthood for this while.