It's also the day where all overseas missionary comes back for CNY!!! And fund raising! Tough as it sounds like, these people were all on staf for mroe than atleast 2 years! And that you could imagine how much they need to raise for support in order to live there for a few years... Let alone talking about their expenses in their ministry over there. But it really open my eyes to what God have done in the lives of these peoples and also the people they have ministered to... And it is encouraging even so!
Now there was this one speaker who talks about the amist (did i speall it right?) people whom are from one of the least popular part of united states. These people rely purly on natural resource and that they CHOOSE not to be involve with technology that is advance and so common in our everyday lives! Now this sound so fimiliar as I heard the speaker goes on and on speaking the mind set and behaviour of these people in that little town of "peace". Now theres this saying by the speaker... "They chose to make use of advanced technology to praise God rather than letting advanced technology make use of them to praise God." Now this might sounds stupid or too much of a "chimalogy" to people... But it was particularly truth in the sense of my youth! They chose to serve God by gauging on how much their guitar could offered for sound, the comparision of networth of guitar for different genere of sounds, how many effect pedals you have... good worship = anticipating voices/ instrument produce by good amps.. and the list goes on.
And it dawn on me that... I am such person too! I often complain how much my congress is far off then those of S$1,000 kind (althought i must say that guitar I meantioned earlier was gift from many wonderful bros and sis ^^ ) and that it never fails to being me back to the EA trip I've been and how people worship with pre-recorded videos that is dated months ago!! Praise the Lord!
Oh well... Anyway... YA! Was thinking what to do for the holiday and decided to apply for a job. Below is a screenshot of a successful registeration for relief teaching! yea!~~ I'm so excited for this job and hope that it will truly be one job that I would love to be in... TEACHING! KIDS!! YOUNG PEOPLE!!! Yea!