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Now back to the main topic...
Yes indeed I am and that I've notice that I didn't update for like almost a straight week! Gosh~ This is bad this is bad... And how can a graduate suppose to not update for so long?
Haha... Well, what have been busying with is nothing much though. :
Been out of job for quite some time and that I think I will need to heed phyllis's (Thanks ;p ) advice to seriously pray for a job... And stop idling!!! Haha...
Physical training wise is still good as I ran on friday (12th May) with Jono and to my suprise I am still very much refresh after the route we covered. We took one more detour and I think we could easily cover say.. 4.3KM? Althought the pace is not very fast (To me I guess...) as compare to those time I was running with weiyi (One of my church-mate) as he is someone who constantly pushes his limit. Good and bad in some sense... On the bright side, he could constanly improve and be the cream of the crop in no time, whilst on the down side is that it is so hard to motivate him when he keep saying "No! I'm the worse in the......" and goes on. Man! Somewhat I felt that I'm discribing myself.
Ok. On friday noon itself, I went to catch spidey. YES! Not typical thing that a young boy will do but SPIDERMAN 3!!! The greatest hit a town could ever anticipate. I heard news that the opening day itself (4th May) all of Singapore's major cinema have their all 8 slots of timing filled to the brim. So... It can be easily summed up as that everywhere in Singapore on that day, as long as you are craving for spiderman3 movie and you yet get a ticket, you might as well save some time by buying bread and sit by Singapore river :) Sam Raimi and his production crew will be smiling from end to end right now.

Here are some resource for you readers out there whom are watching this space:
Spiderman3 Official Blog
Spiderman3 Official Site
Spiderman3 Critic, review etc
Much love to you guys out there for the support of this blog ( ,'')
I felt that this movie have capture certain element in the original spiderman story well and that potrayment and presentation of it is simply breath-taking. I would rate it 4.5 stars of 5.
The visual of the spider is all round good and that looking back on the previous 2 episodes, it is no doubt that you will expect a higher committment for visual as it should be getting better and better as the series goes on logically. The plot of it was good as the twist in the murder of Uncle Ben Parker is uncovered and given a jab to leave the viewer a little suspend in the air. The appearance of New globin also added on that punch and leaving a ambience of "desperation" of power for spiderman. One more star goes out to the main actor and supporting characters as they are awesome! Great expression and also great feelings from them. Do you know that most of the scene were produce in a set with just a plain blue background? These people gotta imagine alot and going into that role with nothing to inspire you and yet make it good is seriously something very tough... Cheers!
I don't like the idea of that the story is twisted in such a way that it does not follow wholly of the original story line. I mean... it will be bored of cause but I reckon that by making it "too out" of the way will only cause you to run out of idea, despite the fact that director sam did a good job and breathing life into those plain comic drawing.
Nevertheless, from the story of spiderman 3... I found an amazing discovery from God. Thanks to the daily bread, I found this article and that really speaks to me.
9th May 07
Upon reading that, I found so much from what God was speaking to me in co-junction to the plot in spiderman. Even in Hebrews 11, "God was honest about the failures of those He hand-picked for leadership positions. " and yet they are all credited as "faithful" people. Spiderman may went down the dark side for a while and lose himself, but Aunt May and Mary Jane still believe in him.. Why? Because of love.. And love brough Venom out of Spiderman's desire to have greater power.