Counting to NS: 8 days as to be exact as of 1st October 2007.
And of course it seems to be pretty long but to me... Short! Somehow stuck in between of being happy and sad.. more of like.. oblivion I guess..
Woke up this morning and find that I have 2 sms, and one of which contains such detail:
you enlistement date is on 09/10/07. Your reporting unit is SINGAPORE CIVIL DEFENCE FORCE. Msg from CMPB."
At first I was literally jumping off my bed... Why? Very stupid! I thought I saw the message as "today" and that seriously freak me out!
Then... I got too depress and decided to go back to sleep... and guess what? I had an nightmare bout SCDF.. Sweet~ And that dream illustrated some scene of myself reporting in and was constantly being transfer around and literally being not in place of anywhere. And then was deem as some "lost" personnel and hence lose my citizenship in a sense. SOunds rather dumb to have such dream in the morning though.
Oh well.. I thought I must say "dark blue is the NEW depressing color" now as I will be literally wearing those uniform W.E.F 9th Oct. Not so glam as I thought after all. But course I wouldn't mind being like this dude below as a fire fighter.. Kinda "heroic" speaking from movies like. ladder 49".. "World Trade Center" and stuff like that.
But I guess the most depressing thing of all is actually losing time with..
1) Church Ministry
2) Cambodia Mission mate (YES! YOU guys!)
3) Sachos and Sachees
4) many more friends out there who in one way or another cares for me... Much Loved!
And I really have to endure the saxor of NS and move on with it... Whats ahead of me is unclear too.. Be it committing myself to full-time work or moving up to Uni. This? That?