Part 5
The final cut
The final moment
Gosh! I'm like so lazy right now and that I can't even push myself for the final part! Oh yea! Expect more from this final part yea!!
Right.. Where was I.....
For now, I guess you guys will expect how to drill will be like and I'll shall not dwell on it anymore :)
The main highlight for the final night was actually the final ministry night and also the final dose of the Father's Heart Really. A rally being to raise, challenge and lead people on, that night didn't just inspire me.. or rather the Karen Youth... But the whole hall. I would even dare to say even the lizards and gang were even ministered! (Yes! I think I'm nuts.. what ever!) And the Spirit of God is @ all time high when everyone literally open up their hearts and listen to what the Spirit have to say.
That moment 3 things came across my mind:
1) Our first love.
That moment I was once again reminded @ the exact spot when I decided to let go of my life in this World and really stand up and make a difference along side with Christ. Not that moment I receive Christ but when I am still a Christian yet empty inside me.
2) Our decision for that work
"He first love us" Yes! The very main reason why we are at work... His love for us first and above all else. I don't care you understand or not... but seems in-comprehensible to you and even myself @ this moment, but when God touches you.. you will understand. Beyond any words and feelings. Faith yo!
3) "Set us free!"
Appealing to God's mercy and forgiveness as a whole for everyone in the World. Christian or not... Atheist or whatever.. God to even break the toughest ground and yield the finest crops. What I believe that it's not about those people who have yet to receive Jesus.. but those who receive Christ and still choose to stray afar. My heart goes out to them and I believe my brothers and sisters there were too.
Sacred Moment
In reverence and in awe... many of us bowed down and really start praying for forgiveness on ourselves and also for God's anointing touch to be on these "harassed" people... people who lose out so much.
I still could remember images of people kneeling and crying out to God.. all tears and passionate for His people and God. I was deeply touched and ministered too.
"Set them free"
I think we were ministered more than those on the floor (Karen youth) and I could help but be still before God. Nothing but praying and praying.. sobbing and sobbing..
Straight after that... 4 of the youths were sitting on the bench and I felt I need to talk to them. So I did and I was so glad that out of the 4.. 2 received Christ! They make that decision and I believe that they are convinced by His love. 2 was already Christian and I thought I'll pray for them too.. and guess what! They wanted to re-dedicate their lives and was asking me how to do it. I felt so honoured! I meant.. I don't take credits as for that.. But I'm glad God uses me in that sense. Than I can't help but notice another 3 @ the back... So I walk over and did the same. 3 were Christians and they have a need for prayer for their family and life after studies. I name them "Tom".. "Dick" and "Henry" (ok.. I know I'm shallow and "what a name!"). I couldn't help but be in awe again as 2 of them was to graduate this year and was seeking something after that. I thought God has place me there as I'm a fresh grad too! I could share that common understanding and advice them! Not just that.. I'm being ministered too again! Praise God! And I've committed myself to pray for the 3 of them (of course.. much more) every night to allow them to be guided by God.
But the sad fact still remains soon after that final night... everyone sat down in a circle and shared their fair share of experience.. hopes.. comments.. lots man! Thanks all for sharing.. deeply respect!
Weiyi... Sam Q.. Anand.. Garry.. Ryan.. Dani.. Ivan.. you've affirmed me in your sharing of your life story! RESPECT!
What a night...
DO NOT TRY THIS @ HOME... But in a village :P
Following morning we went to the chapel and had a communion service. The style is difference for sure.. Not really into the idea of a common cup.. but anyway.. I've got through that. Much respect for the service as it is rather traditional and was easier to get through than I thought! More loadings and debrief... toured a lil' around the town... went to the border... had some fun checking out Christ stone's (now I think I got it right) studio @ the backyard. AWESOME! KORN!!! Hearts still heavy.. but well~ nothing can be done unless some insane people were to get their passport lost. :P
NINEMENZEAL! :) but "Smiley" you shall shall be!
The bidding of farewell was kinda rush (Don't know is it plan to be like that) but it did serve quite a good way to kill off any un-necessary emotions and shedding of tears.
Emotional level = HIGH! Every one's kind of "tired" and "void" on their looks.
Soon the convoys exit the gate... and off~ (MAN! I seriously hate this!) No string attached!
Mother's Union
Squatter-like living condition
Bye! (Thanks Joanne for the idea)