Right... back from camp and this is the next round of update!!
Now now... What am I goanna say in this post... OH OH!
I was selected by some platoon intructor to be instructor too! And that scored some points in my perspective I guess since I'm no longer into any firefighting course or anything that brings action!
Right! Now that makes me one of "them" after my POP (Passing out parade). Why they called it "passing out"?? I don't know.. maybe finally that day comes when you literally "faint" after those Hell weeks.
Training wise was good and that I got into interviews like.. Provost (Something like a Military Police) And I don't know why people ain't familiarize with that term.
Up next is one interview for insturctor for some secondary school; sounds weird right?!
The CCA is called NCDCC... What they gonna do there since St John's practicing medical, NPCC on police matters, NCC of course; army style.. military band and so on.. Then why found NCDCC? Train pyro brats?! Or inspiring future musical fountain operator...
Which ever way it doesn't matters that much now.
Right.. One more thing to talk about.. the food. Seriously... ... sucks.
Picture this... You have rice, spicy tofu that is not spicy @ all, vegetables that is ONLY leafty and WHITE, battered fish that taste like rock and some random soup that seems what to be scoop seconds ago FRESH from the drain. And guess what... One of the senior actually scoop up one rat and thought is was a scrubber while washing the mess tray in the common cleaning area of the same canteen. Splendid yea?
Oh oh.. One good thing. They never fails to provide chicken wing for evern lunch and dinner. NEVER! And it comes in all flavour... A different cooking method a meal. On the bright side.. I get to eat all different styles of chicken wing a human brain could ever comprehend. Cheerios~
But rather I must say... life right now is nothing but test after test.. SOC.. REPT.. Med.. Final Act.. IPPT.. BFF.. you say it we name it..
But nevertheless days to POP is nothing but "sucker". Sucker in terms like those little bug you find when you on your light long enough in the night...
Ok.. I lose my sense of humour to NS too... GREAT!