Foxin winning Award Model Family for Insanity
Awarded for the Model Family of all season
(Because their youngest son said so) :)
AhHhh... Sweet! The intensive coverage of the Karen Missions had finally concluded. Now.. Back to the basic. Well... As you see there's pretty much to say about the period between 20th till 28th actually... but I guess I'll just stick to the plain old lazy me :)
Ok... Some random thoughts. I thought that you guys was suppose to know that I'll be flying off (What?! AGAIN!!) soon to Korea (Yaya.. Don't envy me) for a conference cum Mission. (And once again... HOLY) Thought of a spoof... You know~ God will equip you even before He will use you right? That is what the bible had told us... Ok.. here's the spoof... The mission is called the "Beggar's mission" and that the group will be literally strip of everything (clothes on of course) and to trust God for accommodations and lodging. And guess what? Being a fresh grad; meaning "Un-employed", I am already a beggar before I fly over to paticipate in the mission! How nice of a equipping man! What a way to equip too! Praise God! So in that sense I could understand the need of these people and also get into the role faster when I am there. SHIOK!
Ok... Don't wack me cause I can't tell good jokes. Well... I must say that being on mission is really something very privilege and honourable to do... why? Cause God works along side with you and what's best is that you experience things that you will never be able to by just reading your bible and pray everyday.. Walk the talk!! Yea! Of course! It's not easy as it is rather faith stretching and sometimes you might need to compromise on certain things in order to get the full deal of it. Just to let you guys in into something.. Though I might sound like some very experience person.. For the last mission trip (Philippines; Church mission'06).. I sign up merely because I wanted to sit in an aeroplane. **Silence for a while**
Please don't stone me! Cause that is seriously ridiculous when I start to think about it again... And I pray that God have mercy on me! But nevertheless.. I'm glad my mindset change in a very positive way (hopefully!) and it's no longer a "man! I wanna sit on a plane" or "LEVI's!! CHIONG AHRRR!!!!" kinda attitude.
Well... It is truly madness when I tried telling my parents that I will be flying off soon after I got back from Thai and it was quite a difficult time making clear what all these commotions are about and what is happening to their son.
They thought I will be going to Thai THEN to Korea
Their concern: Delirium! Flying up than across the continent
They thought I will be flying off.. back by 19th than transits straight to Korea
Their concern: Why so redundant? Just fly off from Thai!!!
They thought I'm going to some weird country by the name of "Ko-Thai"
Their concern: Bring me some tranquilizer for my son please!
They thought I will be in Singapore for 10 days then off I go
Their concern: Great! More time with each other and lesser rice to cook!
But thinking back right now.. I can't imagine what a hilarious family I was born into.. Although very much into the Asian culture where the dad is always the Al-mighty, hard to reach and hot to touch kind of person, my dad do crack jokes on me and makes me wonder if he is really my dad.
My mummy on the other hand is the "influence" than the quiet-natured woman and always sewing (thats my impression of mothers.. sewing and more sewing). Why? She will ask me "Ah **** ahr.. why no GF??!!" when I was 17. "Ah **** ahr.. Got go out ga-la-bing(clubbing) not?" when I just turned 20. Ever since she stop whacking me with a cane... I thought she pick up something else to do to replace those wacking days... Sarcastism on me. Thanks mum! Love ya! Other than that... Sleep!
Yeap! Thought I follow after my dad very much... Crazy @ times for no reason.. calm.. lazy (Oh yes!).. Highly trained on patience.. slow.. intelligent (I think my dad is more.. cunning).. hmm.. ___________ fill in the blank next time.
This man is called Simon too!
But something runs in the guys of my family... especially true. We! The man of the Lin/ Soo Clan are all VERY slow to anger and FAST & EXTREMELY FURIOUS when we blows. Oh yes! When the man of my family blows their top... Never ending man! Locomotive gone hay-wired.. picture that.
Other than that.. we're just like sheep.. :) la la la...
Presenting~ Shawn and Wife; Ting
Oh! My elder brother! Shackles~ He is a breed of a kind... And of course.. He added one more member into the clan @ 25th Dec 06 where he tied the knot with a fine lady :)
(bore me my niece/ nephew!!!!)
ahhh heemmm... anyway.. yea! My brother A.K.A Shawn is the other side of the coin as compared to me. TOTALLY DIFFERENT! He seldom speaks.. Highly intellectual.. game all the time.. much of the time into his own world. (I wonder... where the wife comes from?) But when he speaks.. I seriously feel like dying! Cause he speaks words that form a kind of disruptive wave to your train of thoughts... NO LINK!!!! Totally good weapon when he is to be a secret agent.. drive the interrogator totally insane for sure! PROMISE!
hmmm... why am I talking about all these anyway? Some kind of old school "My family" essay?Nah.. I lose track. Yeap! Anyway... main point. I'm flying off on the 29th on KE642 @ T1 on 1125. Will be there by 2030 hours. So.. yea! Pray for me and my crazy family (I love them.. thought we seldom speaks) my work there and the exchange of delegates from all over the World. Yak-herh!
Finished.. Stay tune :)