Hello everybody!!! I'm back from Korea! (WOhOOoOOo) and really thank all of you who have had faithfully praying for me or sending you best regards before I flew off. Much appreciated! The last one and a half week was simply awesome as we went through seminars after seminars... plenaries after the next. Adding on to the hype, people from more than 132 major and minor countries are gathering in Bushan, Korea at one time! People of many speech... practice and culture were all connected by the one same purpose... that is the connect movenment that Jesus Christ had set us out.. "Go therefor and many disciple of all nations..." and also the key verse of the CM07 Rev 7:9-12.
And of course... Wanting, Faith and myself were among the 250 delegates representing Singapore in tertiary level to bridge and exchange pointers with one another. Althought it was quite hard in the beginning as we are sure bound to discomfort, but straight after the first opening and worship.. you felt that connection factor and the wmpowerment of the Holy Spirit to want to satisfy your desire to know more than just people from Oceania region and Asia.
Yeap... Couldn't say much now as I'm currently down with a cold and am feeling very weak now... brain not functioning.. so.. check out more @
http://www.cm2007.net/ (General Site)
http://www.cm2007.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=114&Itemid=59 (See what we did!)
Oh! One more thing... I had never enjoy a full course of vegetarian meal in my life other than in the beggars mission trip... Really change my perspective of eating vegetables. (Not just kimchi)
Oh oh! As a poor guy like me.. Unemployed.. I couldn't buy the whole world gifts.. and I couldn't figure out who should be in the list also.. so.. gifts are "while stock last" on a First-come-to-mind basis. Yea... So if you want a gift.. find some way to make me remind of you :P